Rx Protect

Our Solutions. Your Choice.
Simple, Seamless, Powerful.
A Better RX Experience!

Canadian Pricing

  • All medications sent to wholesale pharmacy partner in Canada or USA
  • 30-40% net savings for employers
  • Net savings from six to nine figures depending upon employer size and engagement
  • Averaging $6,140 savings per enrollee per year
  • Shipped to the address (or shipping choice) of enrollee by wholesale pharmacy partner
  • No copay and no payment towards deductible required

U.S.A. Pricing

  • All medications 100% USA distribution NO Canadian distribution
  • All medications 100% FDA approved
  • Shipped to the address (or shipping choice) of enrollee by wholesale pharmacy partner
  • No copay and no payment towards deductible required
  • Net savings averages are lower than Canadian pricing but more than current PBM
usa distribution
canadian distribution