Testosterone is responsible for many essential male functions and characteristics—from your sex drive to your muscle mass. Some men experience symptoms when their free testosterone is low—even if their total testosterone is normal—which is why measuring both free and total testosterone can give you more answers.
Our comprehensive testosterone test provides insights on albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), total and free testosterone levels. Albumin and SHBG are proteins associated with testosterone and influence how much testosterone is available for bodily functions. By measuring albumin and SHBG, you get an accurate assessment of the free testosterone level in the body. Knowing albumin and SHBG levels alongside total and free testosterone can help you and your healthcare provider understand if your symptoms may be associated with high or low testosterone levels.
Note: This testosterone test is only clinically appropriate for individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB). If you’re an individual assigned female at birth (AFAB) seeking a testosterone test, please contact your healthcare provider.
You will be tested for: Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, CBC, CMP and PSA