Christmas is just right around the corner. Now that the Thanksgiving feast is over, we
can prepare ourselves for Christmas goodies. Here are a few ways to stay
healthy during the Christmas season.
Try standing when at a family gathering. When you stand you will be moving around and more likely to be talking instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. You are also less likely to get a plate to put snacks on.
Go easy on the wine/beer or other alcohol. In a social setting you are more vulnerable to be drinking more heavily. Try setting a limit before you arrive but always leave a little room for that one family member that insist you have one with them.
Don’t over eat. Try eating smaller portions at first, and when you are done eating wait for 15 to 30 minutes. If you still feel hungry, go ahead and get a second plate but remember small portions. Don’t forget to leave room for dessert.
Choosing healthier options is always helpful. Snack on fruit like strawberries or grapes, or vegetables like carrots or broccoli.
Keep colds and the flu away. Get your flu shot early, wash your hands after being out in public.
Don’t stress. Enjoy the season and the time.
If you are cooking, remember the right cooking temps and wash your hand between foods, don’t cross contaminate.
Be happy and be Merry. Stay healthy and enjoy the time you have with your friends and family. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!