How To Plan For A Healthy Year!
It can be incredibly stressful to think about creating and sticking to resolutions in the New Year. Maybe you like the idea of a healthier lifestyle, but you don’t even know where you should start! Let’s look at some simple ways to incorporate wellness into your everyday lifestyle. Health should be fun and easy, not difficult and time-consuming.
- Find an exercise you enjoy! Try taking the dog for a walk, joining a running club, biking to work, walking with the family after dinner, or joining a fitness group. We should be exercising because we love our body – not because we hate it.
- Meal plan and grocery shop for the week! The internet is a wonderful place when it comes to find quick and healthy recipes. Try typing in “Healthy, Easy Recipes” on Google and I guarantee thousands of results will pop up. Follow this rule-of-thumb: Pick 2 meals that sound like something you and your family would enjoy and pick a meal that you have never tried before in your life! Write down all the ingredients, head to the grocery store, and prepare a few meals for the week!
- Make family time a priority! Family time is incredibly important. When you leave your work at work, you have more time to focus on your loved ones. As you commute home, mentally prepare yourself with questions you can ask your family about their day and also take that time to destress from any problems at work.
- Invest in personal development! Read books, listen to podcasts, journal about gratitude – do these things and you will discover a side of you that you didn’t realize existed yet. When we invest in ourselves, everyone around us benefits! Try researching some of the best personal growth books and podcasts on the market right now!
- Smile! A smile is incredibly contagious. Next time you feel down or off-set, try smiling! Smiling has been shown to instantly increase your mood and the mood of those around you. Positive thinking helps as well. When a negative thought pops in your head – try thinking of something positive instead and don’t forget to smile!